What is this?

Global citizenship is an evolving concept that recognizes the rights and responsibilities of individuals to engage with a range of global issues and to act in ways that are socially just and equitable. It is rooted in the understanding that borders and other divisions between nations, peoples, and cultures are artificial and that people of the world exist in increasingly interdependent, multicultural, and interconnected communities. This concept involves the development of an ethical framework wherein individuals value their responsibility to humanity, view themselves as residents of the global community, and demonstrate active participation in activities that foster social equity and global justice.

See also: global education, climate justice, global south, global north

Dr. Vanessa Andreotti: Shouldering our Colonial Backpack 2,987

Vanessa Andreotti speech - European Parliament public hearing on Development Education 1,913

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Vanessa Andreotti (Stage 3 - Nurturing the Soil) 518

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Encontro Internacional "Sinergias para a Transformação Social" - Vanessa Andreotti 221

Vanessa Andreotti II mooduli loeng. Globaalse maailmakodaniku haridus ja õiglus. 171

Prof Vanessa Andreotti 157

Gesturing towards decolonial futures by Professor Vanessa Andreotti 150